Before Lily came to officially join our family, I always wondered how Madison would feel with a new little one in the house. How would she feel towards Lily? Would she get jealous? I knew she would be a wonderful big sister, but how long would it be until she knew that for herself? Over the past few months, I've watched Madison and Lily together. Madison took her big sister role on like a charm. She's been so protective and loving right from the start. She runs to her bedside when she's cries yelling "I'm coming Lily! I'm coming" until she reaches her destination. Then she ever so gently rubs Lily's face and makes her smile every time. She reads to her, in her own language (lol), any book she can find until she falls asleep. If she can't hold her, she'll always find a way to be near her. It's in these moments that I've felt the Lord putting my worries to rest. My girls needed each other and it shows in both of them how happy they are to be together at last. I will be forever blessed being their mother and I'll always be grateful to have them. So I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite things.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Road Trip!
If you've ever seen Nacho Libre, my siblings says this was Lily's "Get That Corn Outta My Face" look. :) She was not fond of the super bright sun at the beach.
Madison loving on my mom (her Nana)
Madison burying herself in the sand
The Villains
The Superheroes
Honey with her grandbabies
My mother-in-law (Honey as Madison calls her)
Madison and Aunt Kristen having tickle fights. :)
Lily has such beautiful big eyes and makes this face a lot. So Kristen thought it would be funny to try and make the same face as her.
My sister Kristen flew in from Rexburg to stay with me and the fam for two weeks. While she was here, we took a very long road trip to see my mother-in-law in Georgia and my grandparents down in FL. My family was also driving from CO to meet us in FL so we were all very excited for the big reunion. We had an amazing time! Went to the beach, had our Superhero/Villain themed night, spa night, and had lots of fun souvenir shopping. It had been so long since we've seen our family in FL, 10 years to be exact. It was incredibly hard to say our farewells, especially when I had to watch Madison cling to my mother sobbing because she didn't want to leave without her. It makes me grateful that we are forever families. Makes it a little more bearable every time.
It was great having Kristen here as well, I miss my little sis. She was such a huge help with the girls and it was great fun exploring Williamsburg together. Bryan's already trying to figure out when we can get her back. lol Those two are quite the partners in crime! Anyhow, here are a few pictures from the two weeks of fun.
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
Magic Number 3
My sweet 3 month old Lily
Don't know what Madison was doing but Lily's face is priceless!
My girls smiling at me instead of the camera, hey I'll take it! :)
My beautiful 3 year old Maddie
So I realized a few days ago that this will be the only time my girls will be the same number in age. Madison is 3 years old and Lily is 3 months old, so crazy! Needless to say I had to take pictures of course! They both are growing up so beautifully and I'm so grateful and blessed to call them mine. Enjoy!
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 5:52 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June Update
Madison smiling with Daddy holding her already melting ice cream cake lol. It's so hot here! My beautiful birthday girl!
Miss Lily~3 months old and so very precious!
So I've been REALLY bad at updating my blog since I've moved here. My bad! But wanted to catch you up on what's been up lately. On the 9th, Madison turned 3! Can't believe my little girl is already three. Time just flies too fast! She had a wonderful birthday filled with dragons (since she's totally into them now) and of course cake. Lily turned 3 months yesterday and is chubbing out more and more everyday. It's just the cutest! She's been full of smiles since the day she was born and I'm thrilled to say nothing has changed. :) We're feeling more comfortable here in VA and love the area we're living in. Williamsburg is just beautiful and rich with history! We can't wait to see how they celebrate Independance Day! So that's my update for now! Till next time!
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Lily's Blessing Day
What a beautiful face!
Picture of her lovely dress
Cute little smiles!
Miss Lillian Kay was blessed yesterday and she looked oh so beautiful! Can't believe how big she's getting so quickly. Thought I would post some pics for all those who couldn't be there. Enjoy! :)
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 3:27 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
She's Here!
Lillian Kay Turner was born March 23rd (that's right her due date) at 11:33 pm. She was 7lbs 12oz and absolutely beautiful. Bryan did great considering it was his first time in the delivery room. He even cut the cord! It was so wonderful having him there, I'm so grateful that she waited to arrive until he got here. Bryan and I joked in the beginning that she should in fact be born on the 23rd so that Bryan and Lily could share the same day of birth. Then all Bryan would have to do is remember months since Madison and I were both born on the 9th. Apparently Lily liked the idea so it worked out nice after all. :) Sorry it took me so long to post pictures but I hope you enjoy them all the same.
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 6:13 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Still Waiting...
So to all those Turner Blog Watchers out there, I'm still pregnant. lol No baby Lillian yet but you never know, she may just surprise me later today. HA! At this point I'm hoping she'll wait for her Daddy to come so he doesn't have to miss out on another little one being born to our family. But babies come when their ready and I'm definitely hoping she'll be ready soon. :) My next appointment is on the 17th so I guess if she doesn't come before then I'll know more soon. I could have a St. Patrick's Day baby! Crazy!
Bryan will be finally be leaving Germany on the 18th in the evening then be here in Denver early morning on the 19th. Madison and I are so excited! We'll have him for 9 wonderful days before he has to leave for VA and start looking for our new home. We're all anxious to have him here, here's hoping the days will just fly by. We hope all is well with you and your families, just wanted to keep you all updated on ours. The next time I post I'll most definitely have pictures of a new little one, can't wait to share our great news with you all when the time comes.
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
I had the most wonderful birthday yesterday! Got my first phone call from my sweet husband who not only wished me a happy birthday but told me he got a new PCS date, March 18th!!! Perfect timing! So instead of having to go back to Germany he can go straight to VA and start house hunting. :) We're both very excited! My family gave me some super comfy clothes to wear at the hospital once Lily is born and some new movies to add to my ongoing collection. Then I was taken out to dinner by my friend Aida and had a wonderful time catching up. I originally wanted to see When In Rome at the movies with my sis Kristen before she had to go to work but the first movie didn't start until 12:45 and we had to start our rounds of picking up peeps at 2. So that has to wait till the weekend. :) But we did have fun that morning walking the mall! We had to go to the candy store first so Kristen could get Madison some gummies. We quickly had to teach her that just because all the gummies are out in the open doesn't mean you can eat them lol. Then we went to the disney store which Madison ran right into the minute it was in sight. It was fun looking around and watching her dance to any and all songs that came on while we were in there. Overall, I had a wonderful day with my loved ones and I can't wait for the next one. :)
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 6:20 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Latest Blessing
As most of you may know, Bryan sent me to my parents in Colorado to have our newest addition in March while he would be away. We knew this separation would be hard but after much discussion and lots of prayer we decided that's what was best. We also didn't have any hopes of him coming home to see the birth or us at all since we knew once he got back from deployment he would be a busy man with ALS and outprocessing. After having to miss Madison's birth, Bryan hoped he wouldn't have to miss Lily's as well but there just didn't seem to be any way to make that happen. Recently my husband came home from four months in Iraq (thank heavens) and told me he got his ALS dates, March 7-April 7. He was really hoping it would have been different so he could have at least attempted a trip home but with those dates he would miss the birth for sure. Then I get a phone call at 2am from my husband telling me that his higher ups decided to give him the decision, to either take ALS while he was in Germany or he could wait until we relocate to Langley. From what I understand, it's rare to get the opportunity to choose. He instantly chose to wait until Langley and now he can come back to witness the birth! We are both absolutely thrilled! I know my Heavenly Father had a huge hand in making this opportunity possible and I couldn't be more grateful. I found out later this evening that our dearest family friend Dylan Evers, who is still stationed with Bryan, is the one who made that decision possible. He explained to their higher ups about our situation and pleaded with them to make it possible for him to come home. Heavenly Father certainly knows what he's doing when he places special friends like these in our lives. We feel incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful person as Dylan to call a friend and I will forever be thankful for my latest blessing. I cannot wait to see my sweetheart again!
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 8:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Catching Up
Madison got a Cars play tent, she hardly left it Christmas morning.
Isn't that clock the coolest?! So glad I got one! :)
Can't wait to put pictures in these and hang them up in our new home.
Madison's favorite toy, her very own Lightning McQueen!
So I've realized that I've been a huge slacker when it comes to blogging lately. Lol! I always get on to enjoy all of your newest updates but have yet to update mine so my apologies. Here are some pictures from Christmas that I've needed to post for awhile. We had a wonderful time with my family but missed having Bryan with us. This had to have been the best Christmas so far since we've had Madison, she really got into it! The majority of her gifts were Cars related since that's her absolute favorite movie at the present time. I asked for things to decorate my new home with and got some wonderful surprises myself. :) We hope everyone is well and enjoying their families!
Posted by Nicki and Bryan Turner at 8:17 AM 0 comments