Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

I am Madison! Hear me Roar!! :)
Look at that grin!!! Her and the leprechauns are already conspiring against me!! lol

Laurie/Honey bought this adorable shirt for Madison while she was here so we could save it for this special day. It says "The leprechauns make me do it" just in case you can't read it. There is definitely a mischievous grin in one of these so I wonder if she's going to try to use that excuse on me today! lol We hope you all enjoy your St. Patrick's Day as much as we are!


Angie and Jerome said...

What a sweetie pie! They grow so fast! *sigh*

Carson said...

She gets cuter every month. Hope you all are still doing well there in Germany. How neat that grandma gets to see here even that far away!