Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Time Flies...

Here I am Febrauary 2015 taking total advantage of how easy it is to follow everyone else's lives through Facebook and completely forgetting about updating my own life on this blog. For those of you who follow me on Facebook, all of this will be old news. But for those of you who don't, you're in for a real treat. :) Quite frankly, I'm looking forward to a little stroll down memory lane so fun for everyone. We will start with a recap of 2013:

It started off with a trip down to Florida for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. Of course we had to stop by Georgia and see Honey first. :) We had a great time celebrating and even had time for some major beach time fun!

Honey with Lily and Madison

My sis Kristen with her cute family
Maddie being silly with Uncle Robert and Aunt Megan
My bro is so swole!
 We live in Colonial Williamsburg and get to see this historical display on a regular basis. Be jealous!

Madison dressed up as Cindy Lou-Who for Dr, Suess Day. She was a huge hit because she's so obviously adorable!
First and last day  of Kindergarten :)

Madison was so ready for Kindergarten at her new school!

   Lily turned 3, my little princess!
We made great memories like bowling as a family!
Playing soccer and learning that you hate it lol

Honey took a job in DC so she's lives closer now, YAY!

Madison loves Ninja's so of course she had to be one for Halloween!
Lily, always my little princess!
 Tara and I, we went for the devil and cat look! Rawr lol! We had fun celebrating with her!

Giving Honey kisses on Christmas!

The anticipation of waiting to see Santa is killer!

Last but not least we got to spend time with my awesome brother before he left for his mission. Of course he and Bryan had to go get their swole on together while he was visiting. :)

That pretty much sums up that year, on to 2014!