Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Turner Family Picnic

One day when Bryan called me in the states, he raved about this beautiful place deep into the woods that he found whilst bored and walking the dog one day. He told me it was the perfect place to have a picnic and that he couldn't wait to take us when we got home. So last Saturday afternoon, we packed our lunches and headed to this special place. The drive was about 10 minutes away from the house and then it was another 5-10 minutes to get to "the perfect spot" but it was completely worth it. I don't even know if the pictures I took would do it justice! Bryan's favorite part of it all was "the babbling brook". He couldn't wait to show us the babbling brook! :) After a delicious lunch we proceeded to return to our car and I saw the most beautiful pond and swans! I love swans! They always look so majestic! All in all, I'm so grateful that Bryan found such a picnic worthy spot. I can't wait for our next family picnic!